(2025-2026) ADMISSIONS OPEN for CLASSES KG to 9 & CLASS 11

Mr. Dr. K. Sudha, F/O …………….. – X – A

The school conducts periodical internal test to students to increase the academic progress of the student and keep on informing parents through mobile WhatsApp. Hence as a parent we could understand the academic happening and progress.

School encourages the participation of students in co-curricular activities like quiz competition, English spelling test competition etc. Which will cherish the non-academic skills of the students.

Also, the school encourages the participation of students in Extracurricular activities like sports activities, slogan telling events and organizing educational tours to students, which will enhance the hidden talents of students.

Over all, the school deserves appreciation for their 360.Involvement in curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular events.