(2025-2026) ADMISSIONS OPEN for CLASSES KG to 9 & CLASS 11

M. Narendran F/O N. Sonakshi’s

We take immense pleasure and pride in sharing the most valuable experience in the phase of our and our daughter N. Sonakshi’s life from Pre.kg to XII in Pon Vidyashram. She has spent 15 precious years of her life in Pon Vidyashram School, which has been a period of source of enlightenment of true knowledge. We, as parents are very much glad that we were able to get our daughter admitted into this esteemed institution. Our daughter has been a very good and obedient student all along. She has always loved her school and her teachers. She was well guided in all her ventures both in academics and non – academics. We are very proud of her having started and completed her schooling in a great institution like Pon Vidyashram. Most importantly the teachers of Pon Vidyashram have played a meticulous role in the significant development of the students academically and emotionally. They have always provided a timely feedback on every student’s progress and they also help maximizing student’s success by finding creative ways to encourage students. We are very much grateful to the management, Principal,Vice Principal, teachers, Non – teaching staff for all their guidance and support throughout. We thank one and all. We would also like to mention that our daughter’s ambition is to become a teacher and wishes to serve in Pon Vidyashram any time in the future as all her teachers have been a great source of inspiration for her and she will be proud to do so.